​Established in 1976, the BurlOak Theatre Group is one of the longest standing community theatre groups in Oakville.
BurlOak’s first presentation was a workshop production of four one-act plays performed at Sheridan College, followed by Plaza Suite at the same venue. We then moved over to Nelson High School in Burlington to perform Barefoot in the Park.
In 1977, after a week of official ceremonies, the group opened the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts with The Odd Couple.
We have been presenting shows at the Oakville Centre for the Performing Arts ever since and are proud to produce four shows annually. We love the stage but we believe theatre can be so much more. BOTG strives to nurture newcomers, expand skills, develop friendships, and give back.
In 2013 BOTG received a grant from the Ontario Trillium Foundation devoted to creating family-friendly theatre in Oakville. This past December marked the seventh year of our annual holiday pantomime. The boisterous, silly, and hilarious winter production appeals to multi-generational families, people of all backgrounds and has become tradition for many in our community.
Over the last three seasons BOTG has run a 50/50 raffle with proceeds going to local charities. With the help of our generous audiences we have been able to raise over $11,000 that has been donated to a variety of groups such as The Humane Society, Big Brothers and Big Sisters, and the Fare Share Food Bank.
BurlOak theatre group aspires to create a welcoming place for everyone. Whether that is on the stage, behind the scenes, or as part of the audience - we invite you to be a part of our community.